t’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (also known as It’s Always Sunny, Always Sunny, or just Sunny) is an American television sitcom created and developed by Rob McElhenney, Glenn Howerton, and Charlie Day. It premiered on FX on August 4, 2005. The show follows the exploits of a group of self-centered friends who run Paddy’s Pub, an unsuccessful Irish bar in South Philadelphia.
The show began as a pilot called “It’s Always Sunny on TV” and was shot on a digital camcorder by Charlie Day, Glenn Howerton and Rob McElhenney. After viewing the pilot, FX Network executives ordered the first season. Although it is often stated publicly that the pilot was shot for $200, the makers of the show have claimed that the cost was much lower because the only costs were videotapes. Danny DeVito, who joined the show in Season Two, said on The Daily Show (August 3, 2006) and on The Late Show with David Letterman (September 6, 2007) that the cost was only $85.
The first season ran for seven episodes with the season finale airing September 13, 2005. According to McElhenney,[1] word of mouth on the show was that it was good enough for FX to renew it for a second, which ran from June 29 to August 17, 2006. DeVito joined the cast, playing the father of Dennis (Howerton) and Dee (played by Kaitlin Olson). Reruns of edited first season episodes began airing on FX’s parent network, Fox Broadcasting, in 2006.
In the UK and Ireland, Bravo broadcast the first season in early 2006, with the second season broadcast on Virgin 1 in late 2007 after a rerun of the first season. It is also shown in Ireland, Sweden, Israel and Canada where it airs on Showcase. The show also began airing on Subtv in Finland under the title Elämää Philadelphiassa (“Life in Philadelphia”) in March 2009. The show premiered in Australia in 2007 on the Seven Network. Seven recently began airing season 2 at 11.30 pm Sundays. The first season aired in the Arab world on Showtime Arabia’s Paramount Comedy Channel in November 2006. Airing of the show began on Comedy Central Poland on January 7, 2009.
On August 18, 2007, a preview episode from a third-season episode “Mac is a Serial Killer” appeared on the group’s MySpace page. The third season ran from September 13, 2007 to November 15, 2007. On March 5, 2008, FX renewed It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia for a fourth season.
On July 15, 2008, it was reported that FX has ordered 39 additional episodes of the series (on top of the 13 being developed for Season 4) which, according to IGN, means that the show will run until a seventh season at least. All five main cast members were secured for the entire scheduled run.
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia Live is available for corporate events, private shows, milestone celebrations (birthday, anniversary), fundraisers, festivals, and more.