In May 2009, three fresh-faced teenagers, Piero Barone (17), Ignazio Boschetto (16), and Gianluca Ginoble (16), appeared on the popular Italian talent show “Ti Lascio Una Canzone” and dazzled television viewers with their flawless rendition of the Neapolitan standard “O Sole Mio.” The boys, who won the competition easily, decided their group needed a name. “Il Volo,” meaning “flight,” was chosen to signify the feeling that these three young tenors were about to spread their wings and fly. It wasn’t long before IL VOLO’s managers – Michele Torpedine (who has looked after the careers of Andrea Bocelli and Italian rock star Zucchero) and world renowned singer/producer Tony Renis – landed a worldwide recording contract for the trio with Universal Music Group which released IL VOLO’s self-titled debut album in Italy November 2010.